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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Woman at The Well

I've been thinking a lot about her the last couple of days.  The Bible doesn't really say much about her.  We do know she had been married 5 times and was living with a man she wasn't married to.  I wonder how she got to where she was at that moment when she encountered Jesus.  Did she have loving parents or abusive parents or was her life hard.  At some point in her life something altered her to take her down the road she was on.  Trying to fill the well of her heart with things that only leaked out and left her empty.  She tried to find what she needed in men.  She was lonely and hurting and I wonder if at some point she thought "this is not how I envisioned my life be like".  How many of us are like the Samaritan woman looking in all the wrong places trying to satisfy a longing that only Jesus can fill?  Jesus offered her the living water that would leave her fulfilled in life.  No longer would she have to seek fulfillment in the love of men.  That same living water that Jesus offered her that day is still available today.  God comes in and He doesn't patch up our broken well but replaces it with a new one that doesn't leak and fills us with HIS living water.  It will refresh us and leave us content and fulfilled.  God is always on time and never misses a divine appointment.  Oh how He loves us!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I've often heard the saying "things happen for a reason".  I really don't know about that but what I do know is things happen based on the choices we make.  Choices and decisions made today will affect you later in life.  I realize that is not some profound statement that blows everyone away....everyone knows this but do we actually live our lives based on it?  It really boils down to we base every decision and every choice on what God wants for us?  Have we covered the situation in prayer and making  decisions based on what God tells us?  In reality most Christians don't.  I don't want to live my life with regrets.  I don't want to be in a situation wishing I had made a different choice.  My choices not only affect me but my husband, my children, my family and friends.    I want to make good choices for my life.  I don't want seeking God's direction to be an after thought.  It should be my first thought.  So, will I always make right choices...probably not but I find peace knowing that I can bring whatever is going on to the Throne Room at any time.  You will never go wrong seeking God's counsel.  God is good and He only wants the best for us!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My New Obsession

I have a new obsession.  Flags.  Yep, Flags.  We have worship flags at our church that our dance team uses and one Sunday decided to use one and now I'm hooked......well, for now anyway.  So I have been searching the internet for all things flags.  I have found several I like which has sent me into a frenzy trying to find directions to make them. ( Hubby will be glad that I'll be putting the sewing machine, I just had to have, to use.)  Hopefully I will make a trip to the fabric store this weekend to buy the material to try to make 2 different flags.  This should be interesting since I do not have a pattern to go by just measurements and an idea of how they are suppose to look.  I'm not a seamstress...and I really don't know much about sewing but I did sew a jumper in home economics my Junior year of high school ummm...a few years ago....and it didn't fall apart when I tried it that's got to count for something, right?  So in the mean time...I will eat, sleep and whatever else flags until I have this project finished so i can play with my new flags and hope that they won't fly off the stick and whack someone in the head!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why am I doing this?!?!?

For some reason I have decided to blog.  I like reading blogs...I have several that I go to on occasion.  I don't have the idea that my life is so interesting that people would flock to read my ramblings but I guess it's a way for me to pen what I'm thinking.  I lead a boring life...I'm not a world traveler or do big and exciting things.  I just live life.  And when you have kids, especially ones in sports, you lead a very busy life.  So my blog will probably be about my kids, my husband...even tho he said for me not to talk about walk with the Lord, and really anything that is going people beware!! LOL.  So I'll try my hand at this for awhile and see how this goes.  So I guess McDonalds is calling my name...the kids want ice cream!